Ya know I should…..

Have someone go check why this sever went down today! Or if it even did could have been my cell carrier but doubt it! considering I have 3 and the sites were unreachable…..

Anyhoot, this is what these sites are for! To keep y’all busy with bullshit while the important stuff rolls on!

Anyhoots, at the same time this server came back online today. I suddenly started to get a buttload of texts! Phishing? I dunno, don’t care! I’m not affiliated with any group texts!

Crazy how that worked huh? Roflmao!

honestly don’t give a fuck! Buuuuuut!

I’ve found I can retaliate, but why? Karma has a tendency to be far more evil than I could ever be…..

Meanwhile, it’s healing nicely! Unfortunately it’s itching like a mother fucker! and the lotion I used today is giving this thing a high pro glow…..

Just remember, if my servers ever go down! You can blame the slackers…..

Oh and if you treat me like shit! Guess what, I spend the money I was going to give you on tattoo’s…..