Windshield wiper fluid reservoir fix!
this one was a motherfucker! The washer fluid froze somewhere down there in New Mexico when it was -8°. So I did my ritual throw in a little bit of rubbing alcohol and that should be that.
No, It didn’t do a fucking thing! So to remedy this, I had to stop and buy 2 pint size bottles or quart size bottles of rubbing alcohol from Wally world. A new gallon of off the shelf washer fluid. And a gallon of 2020 mixed with water and a small hint of antifreeze, small drip.
So I had to pour a full quart of rubbing alcohol into the fresh bottle of washer fluid. A Drop of antifreeze with alcohol into the gallon of water in 2020.
Now, finally after almost a week of no washer fluid, I finally have a fucking washer fluid!
Praise, sweet baby Jesus…..
PS to you drivers going the other way. Yes that is ice all over the side of this trailer and snow all over the back of the trailer and the white stuff on the tractor is left over from when I ran over that meth dealer couple weeks ago…..