Goodbye Tom…..

According to the receipt from Costco. Our turkey’s name was Tom! I’m a bit concerned that Costco is putting the name of the feathered beast on the receipt!

Yet will that deter my family from slathering it in gravy and picking its bones clean? maybe even pulling the wishbone apart in hopes dreams may come true?

Fuck no!

P.s. Costco also had a killer deal on baby back ribs! Nice meaty 3 pack of ribs for $25 a pack!

Does the…..

Mother fucker even work here any more? cus this guy is on vacation more than the 3 weeks allotted for personnel…..

Even if I don’t work here I will be set up…..

Eww maybe I’ll get fired first! That would be the bestest Xmas present ever!

Crossing fingers!