Won’t know till…..

Tomarrow of the risk was worth it or not! I can use the loss if I wake up and it’s below what I paid! If it’s not, groovy dude!

Honestly I knew it was a risk going in! I even said it was a gamble! That’s why I bought 1 and not 5…..

But some good news happened! I got to see the London bridge again! Not as exciting as the first time, yet still fun!

Unfortunately I couldn’t find the guitar shop here that the owner would custom paint aria guitars. Then sell them at a reasonable price!

Been 15 years since I’ve been here! ‘‘Twas a shot in the dark!

Kinda hoping he was still in business! That would have been a cool addition to my collection! Doh!

Yes my foot is all fucked up! Figured out it’s probably the tendons are bruised! I didn’t realize it till today! But when I’m deep in crypto mode. I sit a funky way in the front seat for hours at a time. Putting way too much pressure on the side of my foot!

Lesson learned!

In honor of…..

Charlie sheen I do say, “WINNING!“ of the 5 stocks I picked, all went up, close to or after earnings call!

I also said that djt would be worth your while! Oh and I’m up about $20,000 in my retirement funds!

The easyravioli accounts are up about $300 – $500! I had to guesstimate as I can’t count nor can I read! As I’m, as you say, “ stupid!”

I too hope you followed the correct path and chose wisely! If not, welp you got time, And remember the holy grail was made by a carpenter……

So I shall shower and prepare for my victory dance! Wich includes 5 lovely women from Seattle and a midget throwing contest!

See ya, the birthday boy is gunna ride!