
In order for you to get my fingerprints to work on anything! You’re gunna need a good print!

So with that said, my recommendation is your gunna need to follow me around like puppy dogs! Ya know that way if I accidentally throw something away that I touched! You can use that!

But being a nice guy and returning a lost phone to the Taco Bell counter for the rightful owner. Ain’t gunna do it!

But for the cops you will get a partial print of my thumb and my index finger! Of course if you test it. It will also include chew, diesel and probably a little bit of booger residue!

Ya know, crazies will try to blame everyone else for their impropriety…..

Oh and if you’re missing an iPhone with a see through green case! It’s at the Taco Bell in the pilot…..

Reminds me of the time I was just randomly flipping through my permit book. Unbeknownst to me, found 2 company papers for other drivers. Names, birthdates, address and social security numbers on them! as to how they got there? Fuck of I know!

Matter of fact it wasn’t until recently that the lawyers and I figured out how they got there and why they were there….

See ya!

I also asked…..

About vacation time for Xmas! Of course I got no reply! Was told 2 weeks ago I had to wait for tom!

Oddly isn’t that who I was speaking with today?


Same batch of stupid, different day! I’m also enjoying the round of new names across the peoplenet!

They must have installed some new revolving doors, as there coming and going as fast as they did in 2008……