When you start driving the back road two lanes… Dot dot

Pay attention to what’s going by the other way! you’ll notice the exact same thing I am! My recommendation keep your eyes out for the smiley ones in their personal vehicles ! They’re the ones that are gonna fucking hit you and waiting for the opportunity to drop a dime on you!

Most of all, I guarantee you’re gonna recognize a few of them! Nothing paranoid about it, pay attention and you’ll notice shit!

I mean, I just got flipped off by a fat guy with four chins going the other way in a little red Toyota But just so happen to be in front of another company truck. Which by the way was followed by I counted three maybe four of the smiling Road trolls!

But remember, if you recognize any of them, you can use that to your advantage at a later day…..

You should see this…..

The slackers are back to using social media to troll! Roflmao!

I feel so bad for these people! I really do! Year after year they spend trolling, yet the only reward they are getting is a comment or post from me, acknowledging there lack of iq with a hint of their stupidity!

Just enough comments or posts it keeps themselves in business……

I truly love being that fucking important…..

So how’s that…..

Mental health doing? You still on that psychotic quest to tell everyone other than you, that they need to be humble?

Me, I’m still a far better human than you will ever be! I will also never use that fictional character god, as an excuse for my insanity…..

But you however can feel free….. the insanity doesn’t roll far from whatever Bible you thump!

See ya psycho…..

You haven’t figured…..

It out yet have you? It doesn’t matter where I am at online or in real life! The slackers will always have to find a way to harass!

They won’t stop, trolls and low rent, incompetent fools will just keep doing their psychotic stupidity!

Of course it probably doesn’t help that every once in a while I empower them by commenting on their stupidity!

Getting a reaction is the equivalent to a child rapists power over a victim! It really gets them off and empowers them to continue…..

But hey, it’s there time, and money they be a waisting! Like I said, if they are out here trolling truck drivers, they can’t be at home beating their kids or their spouses! Like they so love to brag about in passive conversation in the drivers lounges…..

Especially Texas and Ohio! They love to brag about how family violence is how they keep their people in line…..

Bwoop bwoop! See ya!

Just the…..

Usual whiskey tango road troll stupidity for this time of year!

I will say, I would much rather see these road trolls out here trolling sexy drivers like me! Then at home beating their kids like they usually are!

Praise Jesus! Oh and ladies, if you lay off smoking 3 packs a day! You too would have plenty of money to do your weekly buys!

Sooooo good!

Just watching the show…..

The closer I got into town here. The more brazen the road trolls are getting!

Yes pookie, you drink untold amounts of coffee. I eat coffee chocolate!

The caffeine alkalis have nothing to do with your batch of crazy! You rule that all on your very own…..

But nice seeing ya again! Oddly not at a terminal like I usually do…..