When you go to pick up at a place that has hired an x employee from here or one of there spouses! oddly they always seam to know who you are before you get there! Figure that one out…..
You think stupid people are fucking stupid? Waite until you come across an x employee that now has a little power!
It takes damn near every ounce of self control I have to keep from punching them in the face! Man or woman!
You will quickly see why they didn’t make it as a truck driver…..
What I love though is when you come into a place and right off the bat they tell you some bullshit as to why they can’t load you at your appointment time! As they are telling you this, they look at you like you’re supposed to get mad!
Thus explains the smile on their faces when they are giving you this news! I’m pretty sure the look on my face is, “ omg, not another fucking moron!”
Well there ya go, that’s what it’s like to be a truck driver!