Yall almost ready….

Go back in and start hunting their friends that are pedophiles? Last time we scrubbed their friends, we found five pedos! I guarantee we’ll find at least the same this time …..

That black guy guy and his geriatric friends has some serious sexual perversions…..

If you haven’t noticed, I dumped 550 friends on TikTok the ones you see there are the only actual real live people that follow me so out of 550 people I have six real people!

After doing a bit of research, they were all either dead accounts or only fan hoes that I had no interest in following…..

They accomplished my goal for me, I can do live anytime I want to which I might do shortly!

You haven’t figured…..

It out yet have you? It doesn’t matter where I am at online or in real life! The slackers will always have to find a way to harass!

They won’t stop, trolls and low rent, incompetent fools will just keep doing their psychotic stupidity!

Of course it probably doesn’t help that every once in a while I empower them by commenting on their stupidity!

Getting a reaction is the equivalent to a child rapists power over a victim! It really gets them off and empowers them to continue…..

But hey, it’s there time, and money they be a waisting! Like I said, if they are out here trolling truck drivers, they can’t be at home beating their kids or their spouses! Like they so love to brag about in passive conversation in the drivers lounges…..

Especially Texas and Ohio! They love to brag about how family violence is how they keep their people in line…..

Bwoop bwoop! See ya!