Bitcoin is for…..

The rich!

This here is $5.00 of bitcoin I got as a free Coinbase reward! Oddly strange it went up $.16 in the time it was sent to my wallet and converted! 😉

Any hoot! That was in 2001! I let that shit sit there all this time! It is now worth a whopping, $8.58!

Those are government college savings bonds type numbers! not worth your time!

I left it there as an example of why exactly bitcoin is not a wise investment for the small time investor!

If I would have converted that into an alt-coin back then. I could have easily 100x’s that by now!

Altcoins are the small time investors friend! GUARANTEED! only if you choose wisely…..

I don’t know, boss man……

What do you think? Is five bitcoin worth of harassment lawsuit funds enough or do you think we’re gonna have to get outside help for this?

I’m also wondering if all those people up there in Lincoln that talk with a lisp, got that lisp by sucking too much dick or from constantly being punched in the face?

The shit I wonder…..