Sad to say…..

It’s not even Xmas yet and I’ve already had to return a present!

My old lady really wanted a Turkish lamp! I was like ok, found one and ordered it weeks ago! On Amazon!

It arrived today and I had the daughter open it to verify it was in good condition!

What she told me I wasn’t expecting! They literally took a clear glass lamp globe and used silicon to glue colored beads and fake glass to the clear globe! Roflmao!

I almost shit myself in disbelief! For $50? Really? Fuuuuuuck you!

If I would have known that’s the shit they are putting out! Me and the kid would have gone to hobby lobby or Micheal’s and done that shit ourselves for $20, max!

So there is now way in hell I’m giving that as a gift to my wife of 30 years!

So I have spent most my day trying to figure out what to replace it with! Crossing fingers I did good….. I think Tiffany would approve!

( picture below is not Tiffany! )