I have been banned off the greasy faced dispatchers TikTok page! Omg, whatever will I do?
I didn’t even follow the mescaline faced woman and yet there she was! Over and over and over! Even after clicking “ not interested! “ Her entire post feed! Roflmao! With her went all the rest of the trucker tarded videos that were bombarding my feed!
Praise sweet baby Jesus the stupid is gone! Fer now!
Most of all the truck accident videos disappeared too! Praise sweet baby Jesus! 99% of all those accident videos those drivers are so proud to post. Could have been avoided if there Tiny little brains would have dropped their giant fucking egos and slowed the fuck down…..
Praise sweet baby Jesus!
FYI, the empty trailer slid in the mud pit while I was in taking a shit!
I was so scared! Of the shit, not the trailer!