Removed myself from the road! Tonight is amateur night for drunk drivers! Had to get as far as I could before the stupid hit the roads!
I was asked my fave dui new years story? Well I got 2 but I’ll only do 1 tonight! as a gold 70’s blazer, a freeway wall, my west way truck and a stretch of I-70 through Denver I call weed alley. Is pretty much as this one! 😉
Twas a late night running through st Louise mo! This was before they built the new bridge. So it was still a winding cluster fuck even late at night!
I was cruising west on I-70 about 5 miles off the bridge. Cruising along noticing it had been a really quite nite so far!
Then in my mirror I see a brand fucking new black bmw doing the lane swerve from the slow lane behind me to the fast lane!
I said ok to myself and proceeded to watch this guy fly by! We get a couple more miles and slowely but surely he starts rolling over the median line! I back off a bit and that’s when the full fledged scraping of the entire left side of this brand new bmw against the barrier wall!
Now this wasn’t a quick slam and oh fuck! This guy sent sparks flying for a good mile, mile and a half!
The next exit was coming up fast for him. So from the median wall to the exit in one fail swoop! All while having 2 flat tires and missing the trunk lid!
Obviously and luckily not hurting anyone!
A perfect example of why you don’t drink and drive!