I am so glad…..

I didn’t buy that new pocket knife today!

Stopped at the loves to pick up some hot dogs and a soda to head into deliver tonight!

I knew my next load probably wouldn’t be ready so I wanted to prepare! But as I paid and was walking out. I had one of those geezers cut in front of me at the door as I was walking out!

As I was rolling my eyes, I watched this geriatric lady man, missing his lady wig, but could probably use a walker, the hunch in his little body was rather pronounced! He walked real close to the back of my trailer and read the seal! The look of shock on his face as he read what it said. Damn near made his head explode!

Now I was right behind him as I was looking to do a right side walk around! Yet I’m realizing, I could have easily slit this mother fuckers throat and no one would have been the wiser!

I love the fact these dumb mother fuckers are actually hand delivering themselves to me! Luckily my mental state is actually pretty good despite what I drove through today!

Yet lucky for them I’m not a killer…..