
Oddly tonight, I seamed to be the only one In Town who was actually picking up there own dinner!

God damn, when did little Caesars get so expensive?

Added note, finally tried fiiz soda bar! Honestly it tastes like regular soda with flavoring! Bout it…..

With whip cream and sprinkles on top…..

Don’t be scared…..

I only attack people who fuck with me first! So unless at some point you spent time fucking with me! You ain’t got nuttin to worry about, mutton….

Those who have, I can see why you’re so scared! I am a crazy mother fucker, ain’t I?

Yes, yes, yes…..

Always do like these messages tell you! God knows they are all from highly intelligent comrades of the Crete family!

It’s like back when trucker gps was just starting. They weren’t that accurate and lead quit a few company comrades into accidents. I received a message just like this! Rather than to use the companies directions and routing!

I needed to go buy one of those trucker gps’s!

Uh no! How about they spend less time flapping there lips on the phone for a 14 hour stretch and more time actually fucking driving! Hmm?

They definitely ain’t gunna get this by listening to peoples like you!

Ya gott admit…..

They are the best of the best of the best! Where else’s can you find so many trucks expertly wrecked, I guess! There’s like 2, 3, 4 of these trucks out here! It’s almost as if that “ top gun” ideology was all just made up!

Day 1 of shop…..

Let’s see what batshit crazy bullshit I am forced to deal with today! Just checked truck in. Gave them my list of shit I found wrong. Now let’s see what happens!

Here is my list! Normally wouldn’t do this but they seem to think that I write this shit up for fun! Believe me it’s not fun sitting here waiting all this time and having damn near everything you write up not fixed or ignored!

I am dealing with my home terminal so I will not only have to go over every inch of the truck, post shop status. god knows what they will forget to “ tighten” or “ reattached”!

I’ll have to even verify the battery charger isnt still attached when they have me back out after service! yes that really happened! Oh and did I ever mention the “ forgetting “ to remove the wrench on the alternator? What about the filling the coolant reservoir with parts cleaner instead of anti-freeze?

I have stories for every shop at this company!

Not to mention that since having shit ripped off in the Indy shop. I will have to verify all my shit is still in the truck!

Most of this is Cary over from service in Kansas City!


Headlight switch 

Ride height 

All drive tires nailed

Tractor/trailer ABS light flashes on when applying brakes replaced fuse F 44 as per kc


Front brake pads at line

Stay tuned!

I guess that would…..

Explain why my batteries are dead and the truck idles all night! Well besides the batteries being bad, so is my headlight switch! They turn on randomly, flicker then turn off!

How fucking cool is that? But while driving if I pull on the headlight switch. It puts it into the none existent fog light portion of the show and everything works fine!

Since I rarely ever run without my headlights on. ‘Twas no big deal….. set it and forget it!

Oh and to the driver who is picking up this repower. I left the weights noted on the bills! 4th hole your 140 lbs over! 5th hole your 33,700! 40’ mark is the 4th hole…..

I hate to admit this……

But I did lie about my IQ score! I didn’t wanna make you to feel too inferior. so I dropped it about 10 points!

I did this just for you, I didn’t want you to feel inadequate, stupid, trucker tarded!

Cause, if you actually feel that way, it takes away from the fun of me calling you that…..

Don’t feel bad Gramps what you lack in smartness, you make up for in laziness…..

As you can see….

In this picture, I am obviously not that good of a driver! You are obviously far superior! I don’t have any of the wrecks that you’ve had over the years!

That proves you are a superior driver, as you know what to do when your truck is in the ditch and rolled over! I don’t…..

The popular….

Kids at work really hate it when you fuck with their advantage!

I know, it is fucking annoying when they gained that advantage only by being popular rather than based on hard work!

But i have this saying about these people, “ slackers have to stick together!” otherwise they are as worthless as a 3 dollar bill….

This is what I think about you batshit crazy mother fuckers!

Any of y’all want some fresh squeezed ice cream?

Now see geezers …..

Why can’t you wear your woman hair when you’re at work? You just drove by in your personal vehicle, cell phone in one hand steering wheel in the other.

Fake hairon top of your head, fake tits on your chest……

Why are you so embarrassed to do that at work? You just drove by me and I don’t give a fucking rats ass what your sexual identity problem is!

You and your buddies need to grow some balls, slap on your fucking woman hair, your fake tits and go the fuck to work. How you feel happy!


Can you believe…..

I am 83 years young and these geriatric and punk ass bitch slacker cunts out here have the balls to tell me I’m not allowed to be a truck driver!

They tell me I’m not allowed to work hard and earn my keep as it doesn’t fit into there little “ union style status quo!”

And that my friends is the perfect example of a republican version of a welfare baby!

Liberalism has nothing on a republican welfare baby! They are just as lazy but they will also break the law to achieve their status quo…..

Sad part is they think they are the good guys too…..

I just heard driver…..

You’re gunna die a cold dark death!

Am I supposed to get mad? Fuck no! I’m gunna throw a keg’er when it finally fucking happens!

Praise sweet baby Jesus it happens soon! You earned it!

I am happy as fuck though! That bean dip from last night finally came out! Fucking killing my belly today!

Praise sweet baby Jesus!

It’s so nice to see….

Y’all gave up your CDL so you can smoke pot! How responsible of you….. too bad you had to have all those wrecks before realizing you’re not a fucking truck driver!