There is something…..

About this mother fucking truck. That after only 30 minutes of driving after coming back from time off. Just makes every joint in your body ache!

Either that or I over exerted myself bangen the wife this morning…..

My guess….

From the looks of ya, you broke your wrist by jerking off to many gay bikers at the checkered flag tavern over the weekend?

As to why you would choose a black cast, that’s on you…..

I just figured out…..

Why you kreepers are turning around down by the storage place, Down the road! Y’all can’t come up here into the pedophile free zone where I live!

How cool is that……

What is up…..

With you greedy woman? You would think after orgasm 6 you would be fulfilled!

Nope you want me to give you number 7! When do I get this kind of service?

I buy you a $40 Salyers steak, so why am I…..

FYI, tried the 12oz sirloin tonight at Salyers . As all my life I only got the prime rib! Tried something new! Twas as fabulous as the prime rib! Bravo!

Definitely far better than that 1lb tbone I got at the ta over In New Mexico a couple weeks ago!

You know it was good when the meat sweets hit mid steak!

After making a few

porn peddlers look like a fool face! I have changed the definition of what a porn pimp is!

No matter the age of the model, male or female, I am now calling these porn, peddlers or porn pimps porn groomers!

Doesn’t matter the age of the model they all work the same! They’re tactics are exactly the same as a pedophile grooming, a future victim. So you can see why I have changed it from porn pimp to porn groomer.!

I will tell you I did enjoy excuse me. I have enjoyed making several porn peddlers look like the absolute motherfucking fools they are! Funny part is they still haven’t figured out what I’ve done.

But whether it’s an independent porn groomer, or is a corporate porn groomer, they all use the same tactics! And what I find hilarious is 90% of the time the person who did the grooming will eventually end up in one of the victims videos…… I could continue this later but why? I’ve spent enough time on it!

I don’t care about porn peddlers perse’ I do however care about once that force it on social media! Especially on people and kids who ain’t looking for it…..

Yeah, yesterday…..

This driver walked in and sat down next to me. We started chatting. Seemed like a nice guy didn’t seem like the usual company cockroach.

We talked a little bit andhe goes you realize these drivers that you’re talking to are company snitches right?

Like I explained to him, I wouldntbe concerned. if I was saying something incriminating. I would But I already knew these drivers are fucking snitches!

So in the meantime to kill time while I wait for my truck to get done, let’s just sit here and listen to the bullshit that comes from their mouths!

They might even offer up some piece of knowledge that I didn’t know about that. I can use it later day…..

Like I’ve said 1 million times before what comes around goes around…..

Holy shit…..

Day 2 of shop!

Brand new tires, batteries, brand new brake pads among other things! Wow they outdid themselves this time! Only 2 issues left behind! Minor issues I’ll deal with later…..

Cus this mother fucker has been out a month and I definitely intend to masticate on all your old ladies! See ya!

I have a tendency…..

To not believe a word y’all say! I definetly ain’t gunna believe you when you say another driver is “ crazy!”

That bullshit might be acceptable in your clique’! Bullshit like that ain’t acceptable with me…..

Cus I’m pretty sure I’ve already decided “ you are fucking crazy!”

Y’all will be…..

Happy to know, the little Mexicans scratching to get out of my butthole! Are seriously causing me some discomfort today!

Who knew red pepper flakes cause this? Why didn’t you remind me? Bastards!

Doesn’t that suck…..

All this time and you had no idea the thirst traps on TikTok would use reflections and alternately placed phones to show there nudity!

Roflmao! In the last 5 minutes I’ve seen so much hidden cooter the guys In the drivers lounge are Jellz!

Especially when I’m yelling! Woo hoo, I finally got to see her naked ass! 😉