So let me get this right…

So you’re trying to put a fresh spin or new face on years of harassment? So you can publicly justify your batch of stupidity.?

You dumb motherfuckers gotta be Trump supporters…..

Cause last time I checked harassment because someone makes more than you or does a better job than you. It’s still fucking illegal no matter what face or spin you put on it.! Dumb motherfuckers!

Thinking about going to the final Black Sabbath show I’m pretty sure I can get my travel credentials in order before then the only thing is is I’m not a big Black Sabbath fan. I would be going to see all the other people that are playing before them……

How cool is that…..

Y’all recruited another Jesus youth! Ya know, cults, organized religion and child molesters love to get them young! Much easier to brainwash and fuck, huh?

Even easier if you do it under the guise of religion, huh?

Or in your case under the guise, your with the band……

Can any of……

You Chinese nationals. Tell me, if chocolate poodle taste anything like white poodle?

As the last time I was home, I had one of the shaved head geriatric walking his dog past my house. That’s their excuse to walk down the street that I live on cause they’re fucking psycho.

And as he felt the need to allow his dog to walk on all my neighbors lawns and then proceeded to walk on my property. I was thinking that his chocolate poodle would look great on my barbecue?

So please let me know if it’s worth my time to fire that bitch up?

Anyone else…..

Find it hilariously funny when you start seeing the same troll lifers. In the same troll lifer area? Driving the same low rent troll lifer car they did the last time?

My guess y’all need to shave your heads again and stop being so vain! you realize vanity is a sin according to your god, right?

Ya gotta love…..

When you go to pick up at a place that has hired an x employee from here or one of there spouses! oddly they always seam to know who you are before you get there! Figure that one out…..

You think stupid people are fucking stupid? Waite until you come across an x employee that now has a little power!

It takes damn near every ounce of self control I have to keep from punching them in the face! Man or woman!

You will quickly see why they didn’t make it as a truck driver…..

What I love though is when you come into a place and right off the bat they tell you some bullshit as to why they can’t load you at your appointment time! As they are telling you this, they look at you like you’re supposed to get mad!

Thus explains the smile on their faces when they are giving you this news! I’m pretty sure the look on my face is, “ omg, not another fucking moron!”

Well there ya go, that’s what it’s like to be a truck driver!

Oh now…..

I’m really fucking sore! Today I got to throw maximum chains! All to drive on wet roads for 30 miles!

First of all I was shocked I had 6 rails that were all intact.

Second of all California is really pushing this chain law shit!

Third of all, I’m officially tired of snow!

Best part is, I now have a nail in one tire and a chunk of chain in the other! You can dodge lost chains in the middle of the road! You can’t dodge broken links in the road! ( you can’t see them! )

FYI, supposed to be a blizzard up there tonight in Truckee…..

Yet considering this is the 3rd season using these same chains! I’m pretty sure they have earned there keep! Too bad most will have to be thrown away after this season! They are fubard!

And that’s why I usually wear my carhartt winter bibs when chaining! Except it wasn’t snowing…..

Rusty chains will do it to ya every time!

I’ve got to ask…..

How has life been for you since peaking in high school so many years ago?

Are you able to wake up every morning and live solely off of your glory days?

I guess we’re two different people because I wake up every day and ask myself. How can I make today better than yesterday?

A new record set…

Only seven hours from the 76 south of Phoenix to the bug station! And a half hour of that was just trying to get through the bug station. The other five hours was just trying to get over Ashland!

On a good note I only had to throw chains once! excluding the two chains that broke! I am impressed as these are the same chains. I got brand new when I got the truck brand new so we’re talking three-year-old chains!

I will tell you I will sleep extremely well tonight!

Even though, said no restrictions, carry chains or traction devices!

And this is the asshole up right in the middle of the fucking road so no one can get by, to throw chains!

I will tell you today has proven the exact reason for the term “ trucker tarded!” The saying “ a group is only as smart as the person with the lowest IQ.”

Is fucking spot on!

I finally…..

Get to the chain check and they tell me that just put chains required back into effect! So i got turned around there!

Then a lovely b&b truck just stops in the middle of the turn around detour! So that’s where we all were stuck throwing chains!

It gets better!

So I make it about a mile and hear the infamous thud of chains on metal! Fuck! My drag chains broke a link! So I run that thing till I get to a good spot to change it out!

Right as I finish tightening the last cam adjuster. A state crew guy walks buy and says, “ chain law has been lifted!”

I cried a little over that one…..
