What a day……

Or should I say week of road trolls, whores of suckers and the suckers themselves!

Today was a good one! My guess, the trucker stupid are wising up and not road trolling! So instead the whores of suckers and the suckers themselves have been reduced to doing it themselves!

Normally I would just giggle and realize the trucker stupid are alive and running rampant! Except for today, I’ve started seeing people I know.

We had several of the recently shaved head training crew. A few wives who love to show themselves on the internet and those dimbass’s who shaved there heads, had it grow back and now wear those fucked up self tinting glasses that we all know!

Roflmao, so buckle up, put your chastity belts over your buttholes and let’s ride!

Cus we ain’t got time to deal with these people suffering from acute trucker stupidity……

See ya!

Well actually we do, we don’t deliver till Friday 600 miles away…..


when you finally go to prison since you’re a little black man in a big KW with a blue trailer. Who is just sure you deserve better than what everybody else gets.

My personal wish, as you get sent to the pedophile section of the prison…..

Previous driver……

Really knew how to accentuate the colors of this trailer. The light wisps of safety, pull yellow, with just a hint of Hunter Green mixed in. Really accentuates the natural rust colors of this trailer.

Bravo, all capitalized

I have…..

Removed myself from the road! Tonight is amateur night for drunk drivers! Had to get as far as I could before the stupid hit the roads!

I was asked my fave dui new years story? Well I got 2 but I’ll only do 1 tonight! as a gold 70’s blazer, a freeway wall, my west way truck and a stretch of I-70 through Denver I call weed alley. Is pretty much as this one! 😉

Twas a late night running through st Louise mo! This was before they built the new bridge. So it was still a winding cluster fuck even late at night!

I was cruising west on I-70 about 5 miles off the bridge. Cruising along noticing it had been a really quite nite so far!

Then in my mirror I see a brand fucking new black bmw doing the lane swerve from the slow lane behind me to the fast lane!

I said ok to myself and proceeded to watch this guy fly by! We get a couple more miles and slowely but surely he starts rolling over the median line! I back off a bit and that’s when the full fledged scraping of the entire left side of this brand new bmw against the barrier wall!

Now this wasn’t a quick slam and oh fuck! This guy sent sparks flying for a good mile, mile and a half!

The next exit was coming up fast for him. So from the median wall to the exit in one fail swoop! All while having 2 flat tires and missing the trunk lid!

Obviously and luckily not hurting anyone!

A perfect example of why you don’t drink and drive!

OK, I’m……

Going to imitate you right now! Can you believe it? I have to put on my own hut sticker.

That means I got a get off my ass, get some cleaner and a towel. Spray the cleaner on the grill use the towel and wipe off the grill! then pull the fucking paper off the back of the sticker and apply it to that nice clean spot I just was forced to make…..

Thank goodness…

These bald mental midgets have started getting tattoos on the top of their heads. This means they are now easier to identify in a crowd and gives us something to look at we we’re standing in line at the checkout……

And for you gays, it gives you something to look at when they’re sucking your dick!

Gluck Gluck, mother fucker!

Well Looky there…..

I got me a Schaefer Gluck Gluck in front of me and a trainer Gluck Gluck about a mile behind me. I’m getting my three cents a mile bonus for training these fuckers right on top of all my other pay, correct?


I still own drive4crete.com and drive4shaffer.com

sale price is $25 million each, both must be bought together. Buyer pays all taxes and all escrow.…..

You must have……

Got your dentures fixed driver? I’ve never seen somebody drive-by chewing gum with such vigor in their life, ever! Or are you chewing gum with such vigor in case you get pulled over by one of them seven cops I’ve passed, so you won’t get a DUI.?

My bad how was I supposed to know you’re chewing lots of gum to build your jaw muscles so you can suck more dick! my bad!

To all those…..

Happy, smiling faces headed down to the state prison complex. Did y’all get to visit your loved ones?

Just curious but how many of your loved ones are the reason someone else doesn’t get to see their loved ones anymore?

We all know shit doesn’t fall far from the asshole!

So nice…..

To see so many smiling faces headed down to visit your mom, dad, siblings, aunts uncles and grandparents at the prison complex!

Check it out…..

The geriatric turd burglars woke up way early to see their hero! I am honored but find you people to be despicable little trolls…..

Maybe if y’all spent less time manicuring your white sexual predator beards and hair….. you would make better truck drivers!

Have a blessed day…..

It’s amazing driver……

Your adult kids look exactly like you! the boys are tall. The girls are right at dick sucking height

Oddly, they are just a stupid as you! Go figure…..

Don’t worry driver, all your adult kids will make great fuck toys for some grey haired old man…..

So how’s that…..

Mental health doing? You still on that psychotic quest to tell everyone other than you, that they need to be humble?

Me, I’m still a far better human than you will ever be! I will also never use that fictional character god, as an excuse for my insanity…..

But you however can feel free….. the insanity doesn’t roll far from whatever Bible you thump!

See ya psycho…..

You pathetic little…..

Truck driver trolls ready to roll? It’s not like you got anything else to do while collecting your welfare checks every month.. well besides spreading your legs for a new baby daddy……