I took my…..

15% gains and vamoosed! Don’t worry, I’ll be back with my $34’s soon enough…..

I left everything else! Why? Cus I didn’t feel like selling it….. well that and I’m still way in the green…..

And I really had to poop! Like really fucking poop! Like prairie dogging poop!

Nice dive…..

That was a nice “ market correction” ( a bullshit term for paranoid investors selling off! ) today! Roflmao! added an additional $5 buy for this week…..

I’m not selling off yet! Waiting to see what the weekend holds! As investors have the attention span of a nat!

I’ll definitely let you know if I sell off, if I do…..

My main sell already happened! Might happen again! Cus I know the next big uptick will be when trump takes office…..