Oh, that’s gotta suck Billy Bob……

All these custom orders, the customers have been waiting for. Now delayed because your little Cunt ass has to cut in line in front of everybody else.!

On a good note, this is the third time you’ve done this to me. So I guess we can say it’s a pattern that you have started doing it isn’t a one off!

Hey BillyBob……

You never answered my question yesterday. So how is your newest sex offender case going?

Are all those million dollar doctors and lawyers going to get you out of this newest charge?

Since the slackers…..

Are once again telling me I’m gunna be fired! Immediately! I had better stock up on these glorious morsels of dead cow!

Oh hell yea!

Praise sweet baby Jesus, steak and shake was invented!

All hail’s the steak and shake!

FYI, my favs are the original double and the garlic burger! Mmmmm!

Hey driver……

Your trainer dropped you off at the wrong place! This is a truck stop! The weed store is about a quarter mile down the road!

So how is……

The donations going to help with your lawyers, fees, and doctors fees for your sexual predator case?

Do you think your lawyers are gonna get you off again this time?


I would never want to be anything like y’all! I really don’t think my conscience could ever let me be that big of a cunt!

Don’t forget…..

Y’all got another Crete family re-education class coming up! My bad, ddc class!

You would think that after all these years of broadcasting that message, they would realize!

The fucking class doesn’t work! If it did, you definitely wouldn’t be seeing so many people attending! or the re-education of so many repeat offenders!

I’m sorry you can’t hire quality drivers! Yet when you have one! Y’all shit all over them at every opportunity you slackers get…..

You should see this…..

The slackers are back to using social media to troll! Roflmao!

I feel so bad for these people! I really do! Year after year they spend trolling, yet the only reward they are getting is a comment or post from me, acknowledging there lack of iq with a hint of their stupidity!

Just enough comments or posts it keeps themselves in business……

I truly love being that fucking important…..

Well deserved…..

Day Of rest and relaxation! God damn I was tired! Ever been so fucking tired you almost punch a zit faced, punk ass bitch in the face.

Knowing you could possibly get zit juice on your hand!

Yea, I was that tired!

On a good note, no one has yet explained to me whether that is said,” middle sex “ or “ middl esex?”

Only reason I ask is cus I’ve seen it pronounced both ways! Yet I still don’t know which is right!

Don’t ever tell…..

Me I ain’t dedicated to my job when I’m out here! Comprende’?

I picked this load up in a fucking blizzard, took it through a fucking downpour of 200 miles! I get 240 miles away from delivery and blow a fucking trailer tire!

I arrived on time, 18 minutes past my expected arrival time from 2 days ago! With 11 fucking minutes to spare!

While doing it all in just over 36 hours! So you and the rest of your lady men can each take turns sucking the dinglberries out of my dirty ass crack!

My recommendation, hire better drivers!

Just blew a trailer tire…..

You don’t think that’s why I couldn’t loose that bald headed blues clues driver do ya?

I mean he stuck to my ass like glue…..

Never know, these natzi sympathizers sure due like fucking with people and their trucks…. even if they are with the same company, but a much lower tax bracket than those they fuck with…… bwoop bwoop!

No Habla…

English El por favoro …..

I am such a generous fellow employee! For the Geriatric blues clue driver behind me. I have been announcing potential nap places as we’re going down the road.

“Telling the Blue’s Clues driver another nap time area is coming up and he should prepare…..”

Cause we all know these Blue’s Clues drivers nap more than they drive!

Praise sweet baby Jesus!

My phone holder

Broke! So my phone has had to be moved down away from vocal range!

So, doing the best I can. I am still using my voice to text! So these messages that are somewhat jumbled?

Yea, those are ones I haven’t fixed before posting! Do I care how accurate each post is? No not at all!

I’ll fix them when I get around to it!

Hey commandant…..

Klink! Every time you publicly say I’m a liar, crazy, I’m wrong or that can’t be done! You reinforce to your batch of stupid that they are safe, they have nothing to worry about!

Wich in turn, makes it 10x’s easier for me to do what I do! so why your aimlessly running around trying to prove your superiority! Some of us just, kick back relax and watch the show!

Cus all you and your batch of stupid are, is show!

By the way, those dualies y’all are driving are going to help out a lot of in need farmers…..

Oh silly goose…

I noticed years ago your people’s insane need for vanity. I also know about an exploit in the Facebook/twotter api!

you know how I have this hyper fixation against people who have done me wrong? Didn’t you ever wonder why you were getting so many hair treatment ads on Facebook and Twitter?

Well, you people will be happy to know that in your need for vanity. I went ahead and donated the commissions off of your hair, regrow shit. In your honor to multiple nio-Nazi organizations across the country!

I just wanna make sure everybody truly knows what you all are about….. which includes your government…..:

Don’t worry, I got all the major food groups covered more to come. I got plenty of time……