When you start driving the back road two lanes… Dot dot

Pay attention to what’s going by the other way! you’ll notice the exact same thing I am! My recommendation keep your eyes out for the smiley ones in their personal vehicles ! They’re the ones that are gonna fucking hit you and waiting for the opportunity to drop a dime on you!

Most of all, I guarantee you’re gonna recognize a few of them! Nothing paranoid about it, pay attention and you’ll notice shit!

I mean, I just got flipped off by a fat guy with four chins going the other way in a little red Toyota But just so happen to be in front of another company truck. Which by the way was followed by I counted three maybe four of the smiling Road trolls!

But remember, if you recognize any of them, you can use that to your advantage at a later day…..

Dude, like…..

I was bobtailing through Memphis a few weeks ago looking for an empty. Got thirsty and stopped at a dive gas station, bodega!

Went inside and was astonished at what I done saw!

A row of machines just like this. Except with a flavored kool-aid packet taped to the front of each machine! Representing the flavor of kool-aid inside!

Omg, that was like Disneyland, knots berry farm and the aquatic park all wrapped into one!

I got orange and it was AWESOME!

Oh hell yea…..

I’ve spent the last 23 years being fucked with, fucked over and shit on by people who don’t have any right, fucking with anyone!

I’m gunna be the biggest mother fucking prick I can be! Just like y’all! Matter of fact if y’all haven’t noticed, I’ve just been imitating you and your idyllic, asshole personas all these years! ( wich is extremely hard if you actually have a conscience! )

I’ve really been kicking it into overdrive the last couple months…. To the point, you cunts have actually come down from your narcissistic thrones and noticed! Roflmao!

Fucking twats!

Hey shit, bag……

If you’re gonna be too fucking lazy to get out of your truck and walk into the restroom at the truckstop. Most people will wipe their ass, even if they are taking a shit in a bag!

In your case, since you threw your shit bag under my tire, I went ahead and moved it with a piece of your truck.

But what scares me is there is now a driver running around with a dirty ass crack! Explaining how you got the nickname shit bag to begin with……

Big smile…..

My daughter sent me the greatest picture I’ve ever seen! Her, showing off her newly developed baby bump!

The skinny girl who as a young child was allowed to dip her fingers into the butter container any time she wanted! Who was allowed to eat all the fattening calories she could devour! all in hopes she would gain weight! ( fyi, it didn’t work! )

Sent me a picture of herself with a rather large belly! That made me smile! BIG TIME!

Oh but why am I…..

Sitting here getting fucked because another one of your low rent, incompetent, shit bags couldn’t do their fucking job?

I did my job, so why ain’t that cunt sitting here? Better yet, why the fuck didn’t you already work something out with the receiver? Or even have me tcall, knowing this issue was here! Instead of telling me that, if you get there they will unload you at your previously scheduled appointment?

My guess that would have required far to much advanced thinking! That’s why I did the thinking for you yesterday and you told me no! Your exact words were “they will unload you tomorrow at your previous 11:30 appointment time”…..

So there is no need to tcall!

( if in doubt of what I’m saying, scroll down! It’s all there….. ) I even annoying Lee repeated the same question multiple times…..

If you ever wonder why “ socialism” or “ everyone gets the same ideology “ would never work in a civilized satanist society like merika!

This is why! Not everyone can do the same! The people who work hard always end up getting fucked over by those that don’t!

Yet those who don’t expect the same or better than those who actually work hard!

The red headed…..

Company step children are really, really, really fucking nervous about what’s to come…..

Oh there will be retaliation, legal retaliation, but there will be RETALIATION! Y’all earned it!

Same batshit crazy, different batshit crazy day!

There whole objective is to get you mad! We are years past mad! It’s just another form of intimidation and harassment…..

So let me get this right…..

The company natzi sympathizers called this receiver yesterday and changed my appointment for me. So one of the fellow natzi sympathizers could deliver before me.

Wow, Whoda thunk natzi sympathizers are also monster cunts ta boot….. we already knew they were trolls…..

Yup I’m still better than you…..

When you start dealing with constant trucker tarded shit like this, why should you even bother working your ass off for, cunts!

Why I’m at it, all you natzi sympathizers really need to start shutting your holes! I mean admitting your stupidity and harassment towards fellow employees is plum crazy! All because they can actually drive and you can’t!

Roflmao, same stupid different day!

Can you imagine…… 

CPS is so overwhelmed and understaffed. They give a bunch of little black kids to a white bull Dyke and a geriatric cross-dresser! I don’t know about you, but that makes me question a lot…..

Oh, that’s gotta suck Billy Bob……

All these custom orders, the customers have been waiting for. Now delayed because your little Cunt ass has to cut in line in front of everybody else.!

On a good note, this is the third time you’ve done this to me. So I guess we can say it’s a pattern that you have started doing it isn’t a one off!