Anyone else…

Hate it when the low rents call to the world on the CB and start using your coined terms?

no my big cb did broke. I have to send it back to get a new screen. So I’m using my little unit that on a good day can hear about 2 miles.

I’m trying to figure out how the interstate is closed at exit 157? Yet exit 157 is closed at the interstate? I squelch down and I hear this lip flapping cunt using all of my fucking names or phrases!

I can appreciate his use, because more than likely it was used correctly. But it’s just the fact that even my fucking derogatory comments are being stolen by trolls! Or the trucker tarded….

Like is nothing sacred anymore? can I not call you a cockroach or a Cunt and then suddenly have 1 million people calling you the same thing? I worked hard on these phrases. I worked hard on these derogatory names.!

Why the fuck can’t you people come up with your own?