Y’all are…..

Missing out! The literal grippy sock crew just walked into the truck stop! Wow, I feel zero sorry for y’all!

Wich reminds me all those texts I received coming out of dodge city a while back. Yea, supposably they were from torez!

I have no idea who the people in the pictures were! I do know that wasn’t torez! Any hoot, it all quickly ended when I replied to that text with, “ who the fuck are you and why the fuck do I care?”

Then that night I get a phone call at 0300 pst 0500 local, right after I had just fallen asleep! So imagine me being super pissed! Ask my dispatcher what that’s like!

There is a reason I’ve veered far away from the dope show that is you and your people! I also plan on keeping it that way…..

I wish y’all the best of luck, just acquire that luck far away from me…..