Shitty weather day up here! Tried to figure out what to do with my time. The daughter is sick, the wife is sleeping and the cunts that rent the quadplex on the corner of course parked under my tree!
So no tree trimming and or major work Inside today! So after looking at the hot rod. Realizing it is still covered in that orange pollen from summer. I figured fuck it, I’ll just wash the car!
Of course this was after I replaced the turn signal bulb in the old ladies car. You know, where that geezer who was born in 1930 backed into her….. ( eventually she will get that thing fixed! That’s what I over pay for insurance for! )
So I’m bubble blasting the hot rod all while watching sex offenders walk by the house!
It Gets better! I watched one old geezer walk by with his hoody so tight around his head and face. He could barely see!
I literally can’t make this shit up! I’m like, princess! Maybe you should go back home! It might be to cold out here for a delicate flower like you today!Roflmao!
Keep in mind, people don’t move that often on this street! Even though I’m on the road a lot. I still have a general idea of who lives here and who doesn’t! The hermaphroditic gonads I’m speaking of now. D’D’D’DONT! That’s why this is entertaining me so…..
The one thing they all had in common was they were either on their cell phones while walking by or they got on them shortly after walking by! either way, I’m sure I tagged their numbers…..
Hey I might not be a smart man! At least that’s what y’all keep telling me! but I sure the fuck ain’t gunna let there money pass me by…..
Any hoot so after washing the hotrod I decided I would run up to the store to see about dinner! I’ve seen some definite freaks around here over the years! These 2 took the cake and ran with it!
I got this 6’ milato black guy and his 3’ Asian old lady standing way too close to me at the meat counter. I’m looking for a good deal on a steak all while wondering, “ how do you 2 fuck? I don’t see but maybe 2 positions that would work for you people? “
lol, well anyhoot, I got me some beer battered fish sticks, a pint of orange juice and I’m done for the day!
Praise sweet baby Jesus!
Oh wait, you can’t! Sunday evening church service doesn’t start until 18:00! Y’all make sure and not miss that! y’all really need serious help on learning to be good people! Cus after all these years you still ain’t…..