Oh sorry…..

We now changed your appointment time to tomorrow morning! Yea we knew this pick up was going to be fucked today. Yet we sent it to you anyway! Of course this is the only load we have!

Oh and yes, even though you were on time for today’s pick up, we went ahead and changed your appointment time! That way you won’t even get detention time!

Yes, the whole reason we are fucking with you today is because we don’t want people like you to work here! Ya know, hard working, safe drivers! Instead we want status quo drivers. Who in most cases should t even be legally allowed to have a cdl!

Those are the drivers we want! They are indebted to us so they will basically believe and do whatever we say!

You, you expect to much…..

Odd how after all this, suddenly my peoplenet goes down huh? worked fine all day…..

You don’t think management is using them to harass drivers do ya? Cus shit like this mysteriously always happens after they pull shit like this! Even in the Qualcomm days…..


There response is always, we didn’t do it! It’s not our fault! The customer notified us days ago about there systems going down! Yet we still sent you this load! Oh and WE didn’t change your appointment time! The customer did! Right after they told us about their planned system maintenance! Yet we definitely ain’t gunna tell you that…..