Just left…..

The Columbus yard! If it wasn’t for the fact that I ran out of hours as I hit the entrance. I wouldn’t have stayed!

I would be like all the other smart drivers, dropped, hooked and rolled the fuck on outta there! the stupid is awww inspiring!

Yet since I had only been awake 20 minutes before the slackers had managed to piss me off! I figured it wise to hook and roll! Get to somewhere with less stupidity and more welcome! Rather than the idiotism that is the terminals!

Anyone else noticing that more and more company drivers are stopping outside of a yard, than in! There’s a reason for that!

The only real question I have is why ain’t you geezers wearing your women wigs at work? You’re proud enough to show me and my wife your women in training. Yet don’t have the balls to show all your “ family” at work that you love the cock?

I don’t give a shit what your sticking your dick in! As long as it ain’t a kid, helpless animals! Or forcibly on anyone! Yet I digress,

Why is it you don’t show your work “ family?” I ain’t your family and I don’t fucking care!

I’ve also noticed that the slackers have to stick together! If it wasn’t for that “ family” they wouldn’t be shit! the group helps slackers show “ worth”! Yet outside of that they are seriously below average workers!

The theory is, there is power in unity! Meaning if all the slackers stick together. No one will be the wiser to their slackerdumb!

So when actual hard working folk come around! They are fucked with and harassed, in hopes they will get fired or quit! That way the “ family” slackerdumb maintains status quo and the bosses never realize that fact!

Welp I’m done taking a shit! See ya!