I was so close to having the black out finished! 1 maybe 2 more hours! But after 4 hours I started doing that weird hypothermic breathing thing…. That was a lot of skin coverage….:
Personally I think it was a wise decision! Hey, I did the best I could…..
Hear ye! I have now laid claim to both nightstands! I, the king of this castle has made the decision to banish you to 1 drawer and 1 bookshelf for all your accoutrements!
Just like you banishing me to a small closet with no drawers! Let the kings words be written!
Praise Jesus!
Black rock, mine! controllers, mine! Empty water bottle, mine! Japanese news paper, mine!
I have laid claim, I will WIN!
P.s. the big bottle of sex lube next to the coffee? Yea that belongs to both of us…..
Did y’all know in psych101 one of the first things we learned was people who rock back and forth are self soothing? In other words masturbating their mind and soul to help them with a tough situation? Like driving etc…..
So what I’m guessing is the psychology behind road trolls falls at that same level! I mean you’re not mindfucking anyone, you’re not tricking anyone. Obviously y’all are soothing some pain in yourself by projecting your anger, envy and greed on others!
Innocent people ta’boot!
Hmm, I just hope after all the money and time y’all have spent. You find some sort of peace for yourselves…..
Today’s road tunes!
Oh by the way! I haven’t told anyone but I’m at home recuperating!
Sending weird texts to your spouse! Like in this one I told here unless she learns how to spell Coeur d’Alene Idaho. When the zombie apocalypse hit’s…..
I have officially hit old age! This episode of ankle tendons is the most painful yet!
I’ll be buying a cane for the truck! It’s like always having a stash of antibiotics. You never know when you might need them. I promise it’s a bigger pain in the ass to get them on the road than you think…..
So a cane it is! God damn this episode fucking hurts hard!
Yes I’m naked! Y’all wanna fuck? And that was the simplest way to ice my foot! Omg I’ll be doing that again shortly!
I called the 800 number attached to the new Kingstown Google listing for Schaefer. And lo and hold the guy who answered the phone sounded exactly like Lispy!
Yeah, you know lispy! I’ve talked about him before he seems to be everywhere I call in Nebraska! Yeah, now he’s answering the phone for Schaffer! Figure that one out…..
Being flat footed and tall? Well besides not having to get a ladder for much around the house.
Or having to join the armed services!
I get some cool things!
Like not being able to fully straighten my legs while driving! Doesn’t matter how far the seat is back! Unless you’re driving a peterbuilt with old school eldorado air seats!
You ain’t stretching!
So eventually what will happen is you will start getting cramps in your legs! Nothing to bad! Just ritual cramps, for wich you can stop by wearing compression shorts! Like I do! ( added bonus, they are tight enough I don’t sit on my testicles any more either! )
Eventually those cramps will reappear in your ankles and feet! On average once or twice a year! Those cramps will happen in your sleep! Won’t even wake you up! You will however feel them the next day! To the point your entire foot and ankle are swelled up, big time!
To the point every step feels like the worst leg cramp you ever done had!
In a few days, as long as you don’t sit funky! The pain will subside, in a few days after that you will be back to normal!
See the exciting benefits of being tall, flat footed and a world renowned truck driver! 😉
Ladies, this is a the secret to a long prosperous relationship! FYI!
I just saw your old lady drive-by in that Honda Toyota SUV thingy you guys own
Normally, I wouldn’t care because this is the usual road troll shit!
But I saw her and I can’t get the mental picture out of my head. Of your skinny little ass taking a shit on her chest. While she’s sucking another guy off!
I have come across some serious perversions over the years. That is a new one on me! I’ve never been able to understand scat play…….