The Way we…..

do things here see! Is ass backwards and constipated, seee!

Us slackers have to stick together, see! we don’t like your kind out here, see! You work hard mind your own business and don’t wreck… see!

Your kind ain’t welcome here, see!

How do you like my 1920s Atlantic accent, see?

Is it true boss man……

As an 83 year old long-haired, tattooed Satanist like me, has raised the bar so fucking high for a quality driver. That there is nobody except for maybe one or two people who have the ability to come even close to matching what I have done for YOU the last 23 years.? ( by you I mean you people who are also paid by my hard work! )

Thus explains the continual harassment, stupidity, and constant pitfalls set in front of me by you and yours that I’ve had to avoid all these years? That sounds to me like high school bullshit. Sad part is y’all are fucking grown ass adults!

Yeah, I have no problems raising that bar even farther! Because every time I do you get farther and farther away from even coming close……

Poor boo……

He went out and bought one of those $70,000 shit pack challengers. Now he’s not running so he had to turn himself into a troll. now he’s out here to fuck with actual hard-working folk. Don’t worry boo, Your girlfriend’s food stamps will come soon enough.

And to the grandma and grandpa Back there at the flying J. I realize you spent $80,000 on your GMC pick up truck. But might I recommend you both buy a belt? Cus I don’t know about you but I don’t enjoy seeing geezer buttcrack, male, or female……

Damn poser….

I even carry extra locks for trailers that don’t fit an enforcer lock! Started with my guitar case lock! Realised that was too small for the application!

Stopped and pick up a thicker lock!

Always need to be ready for stupid!

Don’t worry gramps…..

I would rather pack up and go home! Than be stuck working anywhere near your sorry incompetent ass for a week!

So you can relax princess! No need for you to get the troops of sub par drivers and sub humans all powered up for war.

I mean, I would still win either way!

But in your honor princess. I will take a giant shit later today….. maybe actually in a toilet this time!

God bless, poser…..

Here I included a video for you and your troops to keep yourselves entertained….

Sure, I’ll tell the story again…..

It was around 2004 2005 somewhere around there I can’t remember the exact date offhand. Crete decided to force me to do the Walmart dedicated freight out of Sterling Illinois.

Yeah, I was trying to impress so I said OK. I get there and of course I was treated like dog shit from minute one of being there. But I realize that I don’t actually have to spend much time in the building, except to get loads, and take a shower

That shower thing was the downfall for me ever doing Walmart dedicated evar again. I took a shower in the sterling Illinois Walmart driver showers. And the next day the very next fucking day I developed a full body rash.

From the top of my feet all the way to the top of my head the only place I didn’t have a rash was on my face. I proceeded to tell the Crete carrier Corp. Walmart, dedicated terminal manager at that time. And show that I had a rash over my entire body. I was told I could not leave before my week of service with them was up. I was told I could not leave early to go home to see a doctor

Now I even tried contacting my terminal manager out of Salt Lake, Janelle, and like usual, I was told she was unavailable. Which left me at that time with nobody to contact as my ignorance in the workplace was quite evident.

So I road out the rest of that week in complete discomfort, told them get me home now and a week later give or take a few days I was at my local doctor finding out I had acquired a bacterial skin infection from the shower at that terminal! To this day, I still have to use special soap to keep that rash and other side effects from coming back!

What I would like to knowis why after 20 years of refusing to go back to do Walmart dedicated for the creek carrier Corp. Why I am constantly asked to go do it again after repeatedly saying no for 20 fucking years…….

Hey boss man…..

can you tell me what the laws are on rights to privacy when it comes to work, especially in the trucking industry and being in a truck outside of company property?? I’m gonna need those laws state-by-state including the state that you’re in…..

I will also need the federal laws on this topic! Have a nice day asshole!


That’s a nice little quarterly safety bonus I’m at the scored this quarter. Almost pays me back for all the detention time and loads you “ accidentally “ didn’t pay me for!

I would ask you about yours, but there was something about a yellow safety pole……


Nothing pisses off one of those right to carry twats more then them realizing their own gun will probably take them out…..

I’ll bet it has…..

Really got to suck knowing a 83 year old metal head satanist is continuously outperforming you 35 year old punk ass bitches?

I know if I were you people! Ide be embarrassed as fuck! I mean you preach peace, love and godliness! All while being the selfish, greedy, incompetent, low rent racists you have proven you is!

God damn, exactly who is Holier than whom?

4 a……

Bunch of people who run around screaming for everybody else to shut up! you people sure do fucking flap Your lips an awful lot!

I have terabytes of SD cards filled with you dumb motherfuckers, flapping your lips…..

Why the fuck…..

Am I having to apologize for this company again?

The load I turned down on the 11th due to me only having 5 hours available for the 12th and 13th. Just arrived here at the same time I did to deliver to this store!

How is this my fault? I can’t do 550 miles on 5 hours! Or are you just blaming the biggest guy in the prison block to hide your fucking stupidity?

But as I was told, the receiver here said she spoke to dispatch yesterday that she can only take 1 truck a day! Yet here we are…..

Y’all are fucked up! As to why I should ever have to apologize for something I have zero control over. Yet feel obligated to so as not to loose another customer due to you mother fuckers negligence…..

Man, it’s gotta suck being the bitches of the trucking industry! Yet In your defense, you are the Leaders of some of the industries best and brightest trucker tarded!

Oh and don’t forget to “ praise Jesus! “